A legend says that a Dutch engineer read a Japaneese hauki and got very impressed with it. He was so mesmerized that he wanted to surprise the love of his heart, a Bulgarian immigrant, with a haiku every day. Since he’s an engineer he decided to write a program to help him with that.
But, the year being 1991, no decent programming language existed and, like many engineers, he over-engineered the task and started writing his own programming language for the task at hand. 25 years later, the language is still not finished and he still has no time for the haiku.
Help him by using the now present, awesome Ruby language to write the shortest possible code to produce a haiku from a given dictionary.
A dictionary of words. Her vocabulary is still quite limited.
Syllables in words are separated by dashes.
A string with 3 lines, first one having exactly 5 syllables, second one having exactly 7 syllables, third line having exactly 5 syllables. 17 syllables total. It has to be different every time, otherwise reading them will get boring. It has to only use words from the dictionary or she will not understand it.
DICTIONARY = %w( clean code test writes creates de-ve-lops sim-ple de-sign fast es-sen-tial de-cou-pled main-tain-able read-able makes runs smooth thinks or-tho-go-nal beau-ti-ful di-vine cor-rect i-dio-matic ro-bust soft-ware con-cise craft-man-ship know-ledge-able best ex-pli-cit re-fac-tor right de-ci-sions pos-si-ble bet-ter shines through ) haiku(dictionary) => "de-cou-pled di-vine\nde-ve-lops through right test thinks\nbeau-ti-ful code writes"
The lower the score - the better. It is the shortest solution that wins.
Nickname: janosch-jo Score: 74
def haiku d [4,6,4].map { |c| l = d.sample(rand 5) * ' ' until l&.count(' -') == c l } * ?\n end
Nickname: rambo Score: 102
def haiku(d) [5, 7, 5].map { |n| w = [] w = d.sample(rand 5) while w.reduce(0) { |a, w| a + w.count('-') + 1 } != n w * ' ' } * "\n" end
Nickname: J-_-L Score: 103
def haiku w $_=((w+[$/]*9).shuffle*' ').gsub(/ /,$/)until/^#{a='(\w+[- ]){4}\w+\n'}(\w+[- ]){6}\w+\n#{a}/ $& end
Nickname: R Score: 103
def haiku(d) [5, 7, 5].map { |s| t = [] o = 0 while o != s w = d.sample q = w.count('-')+1 next if q + o > s t << w o += q end t * ' ' } * "\n" end
Nickname: Rosa Score: 106
def haiku(d) [[23,14],[35,24],0..4].map { |v| d.shuffle.sort_by { |w| w.split("-").size }.values_at(*v)*" " }*"\n" end
Nickname: Joskov Score: 120
def haiku i [5, 7, 5].map { |a| r = g(i, a); i -= r; r * ' ' } * "\n" end def g i, c i.shuffle.select { |a| n(a) <= c && c -= n(a) } end def n w w.count('-') + 1 end
Nickname: david Score: 121
def haiku(z) x = -> a { y = [] loop { b = z.sample d = a - (b.count('-') + 1) d >= 0 && (a = d) && (y << b) d == 0 && break } y * ' ' } p [5, 7, 5].map { |e| x[e] } * "\n" end
Nickname: Dutch engineer Score: 123
def haiku(d) [5,7,5].map{|n|(l=->(i){(s=d.shuffle.combination(i).find{|x|i+x.join.count('-')==n})&&s*' '||l[i+1]})[1]}*"\n" end
Nickname: fp Score: 135
def haiku(d) [5,7,5].map do |i| d.shuffle.each_with_object("") do |w, c| c << d.delete(w)+' ' if (c+' '+w).split(/[\s-]/).count <= i+1 end.chop end*?\n end
Nickname: Sam-ll Score: 135
def haiku(d) [5, 7, 5].map { |x| t = 0 s = [] until t == x do w = d.shuffle.pop if (t + c(w)) <= x s << w t += c(w) end end s. join ' ' }.join "\n" end def c w w.split('-').size end
Nickname: JJ Score: 138
def haiku(d) d.shuffle! r = /[ -]/ s = ->(w) { (w * ' ').split(r).size } f = ->(n) { w = [] until s[w] == n w << d.pop w.pop if s[w] > n end w * ' ' } [5, 7, 5].map { |n| f[n] } * "\n" end
Nickname: Dalzhe Score: 149
def haiku(d) [5,7,5].map { |n| i=n w=[] while i > 0 e = d.select{|w|w.split("-").size <= i}.sample w << d.delete(e) i -= w[-1].split("-").size end w.join(" ") }.join("\n") end
Nickname: cinti Score: 149
def haiku(y) [5,7,5].map { |a| b = 0 d = [] until b == a do d << y.delete(y.shuffle.find{ |w| w.split('-').size <= (a - b) }) b += d.last.split('-').size end d.join ' ' }.join "\n" end
Nickname: L.E. Score: 160
def haiku(dictionary) d=dictionary r=[] [5,7,5].each{|n| begin s=d.sample(rand(1..7)) end while s.map{|x| x.split('-')}.flatten.count!=n d=d-s r<<s.join(' ') } r.join("\n") end
Nickname: xsimov Score: 198
def haiku(dictionary) [5,7,5].map{|n| add_word(dictionary, n)*' ' }.*"\n" end def add_word(d, n, l=[]) w = d.sample l << d.delete(w) if (r = l.reduce(0){|s, i| s + i.count('-')+1} + w.count('-')+1) <= n r!=n ? add_word(d, n, l) : l end
Nickname: leopard Score: 202
def haiku(d) d.shuffle.map{|e|e.split'-'}.inject([[],[],[]]){|r,s| [5,7,5].each.with_index{|t,i| z=r[i].flatten.size if z<t && t-z-s.size>=0 r[i].push(s) break end } r }.map{|e|e.map{|s|s.join '-'}.join ' '}.join"\n" end
Nickname: alehander42 Score: 248
def haiku d f = d.group_by { |e| e.count('-') + 1 } g=2 "#{y 5,g,f }\n#{y 7,g,f}\n#{y 5, g,f}" end def y x, p, w m, s, f = [], 0, [] while true k = w.keys.sample q = w[k].sample if q m << q f << k s += k w[k].delete q end if s > x f.zip(m).each do |g, h| w[g] << h end m, s, f = [], 0, [] elsif s == x return m.join ' ' end end end
Nickname: kartacha Score: 280
def z(s, k) arr = (1..s).flat_map do |c| @d.map { |w| w.split('-') }.permutation(c).first(200).select { |a| a.flatten.count == s } end[k]; words = arr.map { |r| r.join('-') }; words.each { |w| @d.delete(w) }; words.join(' ') end def haiku(d) @d = d; @l ||= Hash.new(-1); k = @l[d.hash] += 1; [z(5, k), z(7, k), z(5, k)].join("\n") end