A malevolent alien race wants to destroy humanity. As part of their plan, they will try to throw off the global terran federation calendar. Fortunatelly, our counter intelligence is one step ahead and you are tasked with making our callendar corruption proof.
Write a program that prints 2016. The catch is that you should be able to delete or replace
any one non-whitespace character and it should still print 2016 if the syntax is valid. Valid
syntax is defined as one passing ruby -c
Some details:
AVAILABLE_REPLACEMENTS = [ '', *'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z', *'0'..'9', '~', '!', '@', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '#', "'", '"', '_', '+', '`', '-', '=', ',', '.', '/', ';', ':', '?', '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '<', '>', '\\', '💎', ]
Note: Test your solution using this script. We will retest it when you come to claim your reward. Don’t rely on the form validation tests, use the script.
begin STDOUT<< (Time.now.year);rescue=>_;p 2016;rescue;end
The lower the score - the better. It is the shortest solution that wins.
Nickname: KamenH Score: 57
begin $stdout << ( Time.now.year) rescue => e e && p(2016) rescue end
Nickname: shadow Score: 1
p # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Original solution didn't print 2016: [ ]
Nickname: Joskov Score: 1
p # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Original solution didn't print 2016: [ ]
Nickname: Ilia Score: 3
p ?ߠ # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Original solution didn't print 2016: ["ߠ"]
Nickname: Alex Score: 5
p 2016 # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [k] on [#0] caused a runtime error. # Offeding code: [k 2016]
Nickname: yitsushi Score: 5
p 2016 # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [] on [#0] didn't print 2016. # Offeding code: [2016]
Nickname: whaat? Score: 5
p 2016 n # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [] on [#0] didn't print 2016. # Offeding code: [2016]
Nickname: David Score: 7
p ?ߠ.ord # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [b] on [#0] caused a runtime error. # Offeding code: [b ?ߠ.ord]
Nickname: ewad Score: 8
puts 2016 # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [j] on [#0] caused a runtime error. # Offeding code: [juts 2016]
Nickname: alexrodba Score: 8
p 'ߠ'.ord # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [j] on [#0] caused a runtime error. # Offeding code: [j 'ߠ'.ord]
Nickname: GJ Score: 31
puts 2.to_s+0.to_s+1.to_s+6.to_s # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [] on [#0] caused a runtime error. # Offeding code: [uts 2.to_s+0.to_s+1.to_s+6.to_s]
Nickname: feri Score: 39
begin p Time .now .year rescue p 2016 rescue end # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [] on [#9] didn't print 2016. # Offeding code: [begin Time .now .year rescue p 2016 rescue end]
Nickname: iJarvis Score: 44
puts Time.now.year rescue p Time.now.year rescue 0 # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [s] with [c] on [#3] caused a runtime error. # Offeding code: [putc Time.now.year rescue p Time.now.year rescue 0]
Nickname: kambata Score: 55
begin (a = 2016) == 2016 ? (puts(aa)) : puts(2016) rescue p 2016 end # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [p] with [h] on [#64] caused a runtime error. # Offeding code: [begin (a = 2016) == 2016 ? (puts(aa)) : puts(2016) rescue h 2016 end]
Nickname: exeqte Score: 116
begin Signal.trap("PIPE", "EXIT") at_exit do puts Time.new.year exit(0) end rescue Exception, StandardError puts Time.new.year end # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [b] with [b] on [#0] didn't print 2016. # Offeding code: [begin Signal.trap("PIPE", "EXIT") at_exit do puts Time.new.year exit(0) end rescue Exception, StandardError puts Time.new.year end]
Nickname: withoutjoke Score: 451
begin begin (vvv=(2016)) (vvv = (2016) unless vvv.eql?(2016) rescue nil) (@vv=vvv) ($vv=vvv) (mmm=(:to_i)) (mmm=(:to_i) unless mmm.eql?(:to_i) rescue nil) (@mm=mmm) ($mm=mmm) (print(vvv.public_send( mmm )) rescue print(2016)) (vvv=('')) rescue vvv = ('') (vvv = ('') unless vvv.eql?('') rescue nil) (@vv=vvv) ($vv=vvv) rescue TypeError rescue RangeError $stdout.write 2016 rescue ArgumentError $stdout.write 2016 rescue NameError print(vvv || 2016) rescue NoMethodError print(vvv || 2016) rescue end rescue nil end # TEST STATUS: FAIL # Replacing [t] with [=] on [#232] didn't print 2016. # Offeding code: [begin begin (vvv=(2016)) (vvv = (2016) unless vvv.eql?(2016) rescue nil) (@vv=vvv) ($vv=vvv) (mmm=(:to_i)) (mmm=(:to_i) unless mmm.eql?(:to_i) rescue nil) (@mm=mmm) ($mm=mmm) (prin=(vvv.public_send( mmm )) rescue print(2016)) (vvv=('')) rescue vvv = ('') (vvv = ('') unless vvv.eql?('') rescue nil) (@vv=vvv) ($vv=vvv) rescue TypeError rescue RangeError $stdout.write 2016 rescue ArgumentError $stdout.write 2016 rescue NameError print(vvv || 2016) rescue NoMethodError print(vvv || 2016) rescue end rescue nil end]